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Highfield First Aid

Date :

July 17

Date :

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Address :

Iridium Building Office 113-114 Dubai, Dubai 47518 United Arab Emirates

HABC First Aid at Work, AED & CPR

Event Description

Highfield Level 2 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work, CPR and AED | HABC First Aid

Promotional Offer: AED 299 AED 399 – installment available Tabby or

The Level 2 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work is a qualification aimed at providing learners with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to support emergency first aid in the workplace.  The HABC Level 2 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work is accredited and recognized internationally and has been developed to protect customers, brand reputation and profits.

Intended Audience

Occupational first aid providers who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers

Approvals and Accreditations

Internationally recognized by HIghfield International
Locally approved by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services – DCAS

Certificate Validity

3 Years

Click Here for Full Course Details

Address :

Iridium Building Office 113-114 Dubai, Dubai 47518 United Arab Emirates